Thursday, July 5, 2007

I'm so glad that I have some blogger friends. Thank you Leilanni, Ashley, and Rachel for taking the time leave a fun comment or two. I LOVE each of your blogs. I'm still learning how to manipulate this new e-world.

I just love summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. I even like the word.

I love the freedom summer brings. I think you can see it in people's faces. It's like we know there's watermelon, hot dogs, parades, and the sound of cicadas very near.

Plus, I love Will's little legs hanging out of shorts. I really love it when he runs around the house with his diaper on. He waddles like a duck and shouts out something for me to do. Usually involving retrieving some milk or wishing he had a lollipop. Great stuff!

All three of us went to Chili's tonight to share the fajitas. On the way there, I told Tony that God really knows what he is talking about when he says that children are a gift from him. He truly loves ALL His creation by blessing us with children.


Leilanni said...

I LOVE the sound of cicadas in the summer . . .although seeing those shells around completely creeps me out. As long as I just hear them and not have to see them, then I'm all good. :-)

Love the pic of Will - such a cutie pie!