Friday, September 12, 2008


OK, I was playing around with new Templates and the site LOST my BLOG friends list! Can anybody help!!!!!


Andrea said...

I wish I could help you--did you happen to back up your blog before you changed templates? You might just need to restore everything and, if nothing else, make a note of everyone on your friends list. I'm not very technically oriented so this is all I can think of. I'm sorry!

Andrea said...

I guess I didn't quite finish my thought . . . make a note of everyone on your friends list, THEN choose your new template and create a new friends list from the notes you jotted down. But you probably already know all this . . .

Suzanne said...

Oh no!!!! I have no idea. Here's our blog: just in case you have to redo it.

Leilanni said...

Stink! That is SO frustrating!! Sadly I have NO idea how to fix that! Seems like I've read other blogs where this has happened but I'm not sure how they fixed it . . . maybe if you google it you'll come across how someone else fixed it? Yikes - good luck!

Love you!

The Rypple Effect said...

HOLLY! It is Laura Lou! I found you though Suzanne's blog! I have been wondering how you and your family are. Our blog is Check it out! Hope you and your family are doing well. Take care!