Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Just stuff

Will had to try on one of his new outfits for fall!
(actually mommy had to see how it looked!)

Hey! It's been awhile since I last posted. Life has been a whole lot of fun! So, I decided not to teach the little pre-school thing. When I signed up, I was not preggo. When I taught school while preggers with Will, I caught every single illness one of my students had. I was on antibiotics about 6 times. Scary. To be on the safe side, we thought it would be best to just continue what we are currently doing. . .fun stuff.

So, I'm just going to make sure little man goes to toddler time at the library, plays at open rec, sees his buddies, and takes naps so i can take naps. by the way, i love naps. SELFISH?????

Just read another AMAZING book that Rachel B. recommended. I can totally see why. I noticed that Barbara said she had read it 3 times. Lori G. has also read it. It's called Redeeming Love by Francine Peters. This book is about how much GOD values us. How worthy we are in HIS eyes. I needed this book. Before this book, I thought I would never be as close to Him as I was in high school/junior high. I messed up some in college and felt like I just didn't how to be close to Him or His will. This book helped me realize that God has never given up on me. It's such a worthy read and I look forward to reading it again. I hope each of you reading this entry will read Redeeming Love. I went to the library last night and I saw it there.

Makes me feel good that so many of my ol' buddies are blogging. I just noticed that Whitney started! I thought about this the other day: God gave me SUCH good friends when I was young that those relationships sustain me. I find it difficult to make new friends because they can never compare with the ones I have now. Thank you to all my friends out there. You are good to me!

Took Will to the "psssssh park" today. Psssssh is code for fountain. He loves water. He doesn't mind water getting in his face at all. He plows right through it. Will kisses my belly and says that there is a baby in there. Makes me feel so so so excited and happy!!!!! We will probably find out the sex of the baby. We think it would be too hard to wait.

OK, gotta go do something really important. . .take a lil' siesta!!!! I have found that if I don't rest for about 30 minutes. . .I'm no good for the rest of the day. Will takes a lot of energy out of this mama!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

I did it!

So, if you read my really silly blog entry about smart people you know I challenged myself to read a whole book.

I actually finished the best book I have ever read in my life. It's called The Hiding Place. I must have wept at least 8 times through out the whole book. The story takes place in Holland during WWII. It's about a wonderful Christian lady name Corrie Ten Boom. She and her amazing family go underground to courageously help the Jewish people. The main character and her sister have so much courage, backbone, and faith in God. You won't believe what they go through.

If you need a book that defines Christianity, this is it! It will blow your mind and change your life.

I checked to see if you could check it out at the library and it is available at several branches.

I heard about this book because my very well read mother-in-law wanted me to read it. Prior to her reading it, Becky (Ali's sister) told her about it. These two ladies read like it's going out of style. They have AMAZING vocabulary.

The book is a little over 200 pages. The best 200 pages you will have read in a long time.
Anybody have a good book to recommend??? I'm starting To Kill a Mockingbird. Think I was supposed to read it in High School or something. I must have had some shopping or talking on the phone to do.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Exciting Times

We really, really enjoyed seeing our baby yesterday! The sonogram is such a reassuring piece of machinery!
We could see the baby's cute little head, arms, and legs. We got to hear the heartbeat also. She showed us the super cool yolk sack too!
My official due date is March 5th! 3-5-08. . .an addition problem!
I have a feeling this one is a boy. . .who knows!!!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Scary thought

This will be a short one. . .

What if Nicole Richie and I share the same due date???? Oh my gosh!
The next logical step for her is motherhood????? What in the world?
Hopefully, the baby will inherit some of his/her GRANDfather's talent.

I go to the doctor on Wednesday (Aug. 8) for my first sonogram! I should show you all a picture of myself because I feel like I'm already showing. Or, I'm trying to convince myself that it's not all the PASTA I've been eating.